Core Values

This statement of values clarifies the attitude and approaches that will be encouraged in the ministries of Cross Wind. Some of these are not biblical absolutes, but they represent our understanding of how to most effectively accomplish our ministry in the context of a warm and caring environment.

1. We deeply value God’s Word

We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, the authoritative and trustworthy rule of faith and practice for Christians. The Bible is both timeless and timely, relevant to the common needs of all people at all times and to the specific problems of contemporary living. Therefore, we are committed to presenting, through relevant preaching and teaching of God’s Word, life changing truths that can be applied to following Christ in every sphere of life.

2. We deeply value Prayer

We believe that God desires his people to pray, privately and corporately and that He hears and answers prayers

(Matthew 7:7-11; James 5:13-18). Therefore, this church will be characterized by a reliance on God through prayer in their conception, planning, and execution of the ministries and activities. 

3. We deeply value the working of the Holy Spirit

We desire to flow in unity with the triune God; God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, who is the active agent in our lives today. Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) is a gateway to unleashing the fullness of the Spirit of God in our lives. Therefore, a reliance on the leading of the Spirit and spiritual gifts for both natural and supernatural, temporal and permanent gifts and a life of holiness will be encouraged in the life of all believers.

4. We deeply value Authentic Worship

We desire to acknowledge our deep love and adoration for God’s supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the corporate worship of our church (Romans 12:1-2). We desire to express true worship that is spirit led and free. Spirit led worship and freedom in worship connects people with God. Freedom in worship allows a person to express their gratitude and new insights through singing, dancing, arts, shouting, giving, or sitting.  

5. We deeply value Lost People

We believe that unchurched and lost people matter to God, and therefore, ought to matter to the church. We will use every available Christ honoring means to pursue, win, and develop them to maturity in the faith (Luke 19:10). Therefore, each of us individually can continually search for ways to reach out with the love of Christ to those who are teetering on the edge of a Christless eternity. By building relationships with non-Christians we may eventually be able to communicate the life-changing message of salvation through Jesus Christ. We are the physical hands of God extended in kindness and love.

6. We deeply value the Equipping of Believers to Maturity

We believe that the primary responsibility of the pastor(s) and teachers at CrossWind is to “prepare God’s people for works of service” (Eph. 4:12) and see that “we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son” (Eph 4:13). Therefore, the ministry of CrossWind will be placed as much as possible in the hands of nonvocational workers. This will be accomplished through training opportunities and through practices which encourage lay initiation, leadership, responsibility, and authority in the various ministries of the church. Healthy committed Christians bear fruit and grow.

7. We value Diversity and Authenticity

We believe that all people are equal and created by God. We believe that one day all people and all tongues that know Christ will worship together. We desire to be culturally relevant so all people can understand while remaining doctrinally pure. We value people’s differences (1 Cor. 12:5; Romans 15:7). While our message is timeless, our methods adapt to those we desire to serve. While proven techniques should not be discarded at a whim, we encourage creativity and innovation, flexibility and adaptability. We desire to be open and transparent in our walk with Christ that others may see God’s saving grace and not a false portrayal of our spotless image (2 Cor. 1:12; 2 Cor 6:11).

8. We value a church with a Family Atmosphere

We are committed to supporting the development and nurture of the family unit. As a church we are committed to cultivating a Christ-like and loving atmosphere within the body of Christ. We believe that loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life. We believe that the church body and visitors deserve a friendly atmosphere of encouragement and acceptance.

9. We value the Commitment of the Believer

Ministry to the church and to the community takes an investment of time, talent and treasure. Giving may be one of the most tangible expressions of our faith and is a form of worshiping God as clearly described in the Word. Believers are encouraged to worship God through their giving in a generous and sacrificial manner to God’s work at CrossWind.